
This page contains all information you need to add additional settings to your installation.

<environment>.ini files

This configuration file contains all information the worker and the webserver need to work.

In general, two keys are important:

  • sqlalchemy.url: contain the connection string to the PostgreSQL server
  • backend.config: contain the path to the netwark_backend.yaml file


SQLAlchemy give you the possibility to use several databases types. We do not recommend to use other database engine. If you still want to use for example MySQL, please make a pile of tests and send us a Pull request to integrate the database engine to the list of compatible database engines.

For the webserver, some additional keys are important to edit/keep update:

  • session.token: this is the token for signing your user sessions. Please change his value before exposing the webserver to your network.
  • contain the path to the MaxMind City database. The presence of the database is needed to start the webserver because is a key feature for retrieving additional informations when you WHOIS IP addresses and ASN.
  • geoip_database.ASN: same as but for the MaxMind ASN database.

If you are not satisfied with the output of the logs of the webserver or for the worker, you can edit the logging configuration by following the guide available on the pyramid documentation:

netwark_backend.yaml file

This configuration file is specific to asynchronous tasks. Both our components need them to send operations to queues (webserver) and listen queues for receiving and executing operations (worker).

Every keys in the object celeryconfig are configuration keys of Celery. The complete list are available on

This part is not recommended to modify except three keys:

  • broker_url: contain the connection string to the RabbitMQ broker.
  • timezone: update it to use your timezone/server timezone
  • broker_heartbeat: specify the interval time between the worker need to send a heartbeat signal (we recommend to keep 60 seconds).

The netwark_queues are more important to configure. It concern all the queues of the worker can listen tasks. By default, every workers listen netwark queue and netwark.broadcast queue. netwark queue is a simple direct queue that RabbitMQ dispatch the task like round-robin. The netwark.broadcast queue is a broadcastable queue. All tasks sent to this queue are automatically played by all workers connected to the queue.

We have choosed to purpose a way to seperate where you want to execute your tasks by purposing the creation of custom queues. The best scenario is creating multiple queues for separating each offices/datacenters/circuits.

To do this, we have a template available on the example file.

    - queue: lc_eqx_pa2
      name: 'Equinix PA2'
      location: '114 Rue Ambroise Croizat, 93200 Saint-Denis, France'
      broadcast: true
  • queue: is the name of the queue in Celery. To avoid errors, we only recommend to follow AMQP recommendations and uses [a-zA-Z0-9-_.:] characters.
  • name: this is the name of the queue/location. This label will be soon visible on the frontend.
  • location: this key give location informations to the frontend. Same as the name label, it will be soon visible on the frontend.
  • broadcast (not mandatory - default: False): specify if the queue need to be configured as a broadcast queue.


All queues you specify on your workers need to be specified in the netwark_backend.yaml file of the webserver. If you don’t fill with all queues, you will do able not send operations to theses queues.